At this very moment, I am thanking the gods of youtube for creating the playlist feature. A string of youtube videos for a favorite artist is my saving grace this morning. You see, I forgot my trusty music mix, my iPod, and having been DYING in the white noise of my air conditioning. I hate to work in the quiet. Most days, I listen to the great film scores in an ever streaming form of inspiration. My favorites would include the scores of E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Hook... weird, they are all Speilberg... Well, I suppose he favors the film score and I appreciate that. I mean, there's nothing better than a kick ass soundtrack for a film, but I do love a beautiful score. I would add Titanic to that list. And 1996's Romeo and Juliet. The Balcony Scene's score is divine.
However, today is a new day. And a new routine. Instead of the string section wafting through the air, I have the beautiful vocal stylings of Jason Mraz in my ear, whispering quietly that I need to get the hell out of Chicago and park my ass on the first beach I find. Maybe this musical choice wasn't the best idea for my work ethic... Oh well. I do love me some Jason Mraz. Perhaps, today, I will pretend to work and instead, write a new story. Yes. I believe that's what I will do.
Happy writing, world. Happy Wednesday.
With Love, Me x